Acclaimed investigative journalist, Stephen Davis, has spent years researching the 1994 Estonia ferry tragedy in the Baltic. Hundreds died when the vessel sank in 1994. Stephen - who is based in New Zealand - has never been satisfied with the official explanation and believes the truth is complex and murky. *A shorter version of this conversation originally aired on the radio show in April 2021.
Latest Conspiracy Theories Podcasts
Edition 612 - Bart Sibrel With New Details Of Why He Says We Never Went To The Moon And The Price Some People, He Says, Paid For Keeping It All Secret
Controversial researcher, film-maker and author Bart Sibrel with a 2022 update on his research claiming the Apollo missions never went to the Moon - with new details of how he says he was harassed by the CIA... His latest book is "Moon Man".
Professor of American History John Koerner believes the death of John F. Kennedy Jr. was more than an accident
Canadian Researcher Dave O'Brien returns and says he has new information on the JFK assassination in 1963...
Distinguished Investigative Journalist Miles Goslett raising questions around the death of UK government expert Dr David Kelly in the run up to the war that unseated Saddam Hussein in Iraq...
Former flight attendant Rebekah Roth has her own controversial and shocking take on the events of 9-11...
Ex US-government member Catherine Austin Fitts - and her views on world government andfinance...
Part Two of the conversation with David Icke about his new book...
This time - David Icke on his "explosive" new book...
Author and historian Garrett Graff on "doomsday" planning for a nuclear attack...
Top people - top topics - Strange Galactic flashes, MH370, Wikileaks and our roboticfuture...
US researcher N. Riley Heagerty on two very unusual medium-sisters...
Conspiracy researcher Ole Dammegard - from his base in Spain...
Controversial author Peter Janney believes a close friend of JFK was murdered after hisassassination to silence her...
As he prepares for a new book and a major Tour David Icke returns to the show...
With a new book out within days and a World Tour this year we catch up with David Icke...
The case of D.B. Cooper, Moon Landing Conspiracy, Fukushima and more with the world-renownedUK Editor of Nexus Magazine...
This time Researcher James K Lambert on how he thinks "conspiracy theories" just don't stackup...
This time - with The X-Files reportedly soon to return - the man who plays computer geekLangly talks with The Unexplained...
This time – highly compelling – very controversial – totally unmissable – ex CIA-man RobertDavid Steele...
This time Roger Stone - who worked for President Richard Nixon - his view of Watergate...and beyond...
Top US investigative journalist Linda Moulton Howe returns - we talk MH 370 and amazingresearch on alien-human Hybrids...
Journalist Gerrard Williams on the intensively researched story of Hitler's alleged escapefrom Germany to South America...
Ole Dammegard – from Denmark – believes many high profile deaths and assassinations areconnected…
This edition features US historian and lawyer Robert W Sullivan IV on “EsotericFreemasonry”.
This time best selling Texan author/journalist Jim Marrs on JFK, 9-11 and AncientCivilizations...
A Special Edition - on the 50th anniversary of the killing of John F Kennedy we speak withGovernor Jesse Ventura.
With just months to go to the launch of “The People’s Voice” media-venture David Ickereturns to The Unexplained…
Marcus Allen from the British edition of Nexus Magazine talk about the Bermuda Triangle toUFOs to unconventional ways to power the planet.
Richard C Hoagland talks about his latest work on Mars, Torsion Field Physics and a hugelycontroversial 9-11 theory...
This edition features global expert on Cults and Mind Control Groups Steve Hassan – How bigis this problem in the age of the internet? On this show Howard finds out.
A highly controversial show with "modern day prophet" Marshall Vian Summers fromhis base in Colorado - He believes he has received vital new messages for Mankind from God - His viewshave been strongly attacked by followers of some religions - but he says it's crucial he gets the wordout to the world.
This time – in a Special Edition, we reflect on the devastating events around HurricaneSandy, as it ripped through the Tri-State Area surrounding New York. We get a report from New Yorksfamous Gabby Cabbie - Peter Franklin in flood and wind-hit Lower Manhattan; then we talk with leadingClimate Researcher Katharine Hayhoe at Texas Tech University.
This new Edition features the highly controversial research of ex-military man and authorMike Sparks - Mike believes there was much more to Bond-creator and British War Hero Ian Fleming thanmost people know. The views expressed in this show are those of the guest - and not those of TheUnexplained, Creative Hotspot or Howard Hughes.
This edition features British researcher Thomas de Wesselow who has made headlines in the UKthis week with his new book on the Turin Shroud The Sign. You may have thought you had heard all thereis to be said about it – you have not!
This edition features British investigative journalist Ian Shircore who haslooked into not one but scores of the biggest conspiracy theories. They include whether the Duke ofEdinburgh is a shape-shifting lizard, the deaths of Marilyn Monroe, Princess Diana and Pope John-Paul 1.
This time we talk with Tom Fusco in Florida - he says he is come up with a fascinatingscientific theory that links together and explains all paranormal phenomena...
This show features the highly controversial thoughts of Max Keiser – broadcaster,entrepreneur and host of The Keiser Report on RT (Russia Today Television) from Moscow. The viewsexpressed are those of Max and not necessarily those of The Unexplained.Apologies for some slight "breakup" on the digital connection to Paris in this edition...
This time we talk to highly compelling and very controversial writer and speaker David Ickeabout 2012 and what might happen to our world this year - and we look back on what David thinks are thecauses of the amazing global events of 2011.
Gerard Aartsen has a unique take on the tieups between ETs and the current political andfinancial instability...
On the tenth anniversary of the tragic events we speak with controversial 9/11 ResearcherJim Fetzer.
This time a Special – the return of US space expert Richard C Hoagland he will be coming tothe UK with some stunning new work – hear about it here first!
Hear a very special take on the secret life of Billionaire Howard Hughes…
This edition features questing US investigative journalist Linda Moulton Howe. Her work onsubjects like alien contact and cattle mutilations has won acclaim and awards. Hear about her latestresearch on the state of our planet.
This show features a man youve been asking me to get back on the show for months - DavidIcke. Davids views about politics, the global economy and who manipulates the reins of power are deeplycontroversial but always worth hearing.
This Edition features American weather expert Scott Stephens who appeared with Howard onradio a number of times between 2003 and 2006 and then disappeared... He believes our weather is beingdeliberately tampered with - hear why he vanished and what his latest thoughts are on this show.
Nigel Kerner is an author and journalist best known for work on Aliens and UFOs; but he hasjust returned from the latest exhibition of The Shroud of Turin at Frascati, Italy - hear his views andthoughts alongside medical doctor Andrew Silverman.
If you want to know whether there will be a terror attack, if we are heading for war and ifthe economy will nosedive this year you owe it to yourself to hear this show...]
2009 begins with a few chilling words from US Trendwatcher Gerald Celente on the prospectsof the world's economy then we cross to my recent show which aired across the UK on Citytalk 105.9,based in Liverpool.