John Eagan became famous by writing a "dating tips" book - now he says he has "seen thedevil"...
Latest Psychical Research Podcasts
Meet Australian Fiona Horne... Rock Star, Pilot... And Modern Witch.
This time... California writer/researcher Rick Wagner and his "life with the spirits..."
The Australian Skeptics have been investigating "pseudo science" and paranormality for morethan 3 decades...
This time Mark Thurston who has researched and updated the works of visionary EdgarCayce...
Paul Adams has spent years researching Harry Price - the UK\'s most famous paranormalinvestigator...
Acclaimed Scottish paranormal investigator Tricia Robertson - we talk consciousness and lifeafter life...
This time... a great guest - author and paranormal researcher Jason Offutt in Missouri...
Paranormal investigator Stephen Mera on Possession - and (thanks to talkRADIO) ProfessorKevin Warwick on Robotics/Cybernetics...
Dr Penny Sartori worked in hospitals for two decades - and has done unique research on NearDeath Experiences...
The US neurosurgeon who fell into a near-death coma, amazingly recovered and returned with amessage for the world...
We talk with Scottish Psychical Researcher Tricia Robertson - her new book "More Things YouCan Do When You're Dead" is out Nov 30...
This time - the life and times of the late and remarkable Father Malachi Martin - withBernard Janzen...
A return visit to the paranormal world of the Reverend Lionel Fanthorpe in Cardiff...
British author and researcher Gordon Strong – on the controversial subject of RitualMagic...
Simran Singh believes we are in constant dialogue with the Universe and can change ourdestiny...
Dr Rita Louise - psychic, writer, medical intuitive, broadcaster in Texas is our guest thistime...
A new guest – US author Louisa Oakley Green is the psychic sceptic… Who became abeliever...
This time we meet British author Anthony Peake – and get his unique take on consciousness,life-after-death, near death experiences and what we call time.