Three guests from a recent radio show - J M DeBord on some new research about external interactions with dreaming people... Gary Heseltine from ICER on a new initiative to help pilots report UAP sightings... And Glenn Steckling talks about his family's long involvement with the work of George Adamski - world-famous 20th Century Ufologist and contactee...
Guest - Gary Heseltine
Gary Heseltine Podcasts
Gary Heseltine from UFO Truth Magazine and ICER talks about his fresh investigation of the Rendlesham Forest UK/US airbase "close encounter" of December 1980 - and his new book "Non Human" (available on Amazon) Plus - an exclusive interview with a retired US serviceman - James Stewart - who says he experienced deeply disturbing events at the Woodbrige base Rendlesham) one year before...
British UFO investigator Gary Heseltine on new information in his Rendlesham Forest documentary "Capel Green"...
The ex-policeman who founded the place that collates police UFO reports returns to TheUnexplained...
This time we talk with Gary Heseltine – a serving British police officer who collates UFOreports from policemen and women and other members of the uniformed services. Often these people willnot formally report what they have seen because they fear for promotion prospects or they're afraid ofridicule from colleagues – but many have spoken to Gary and gone on the record with him. And on thisshow you will hear their stories.