World-famous "alien abductee" Travis Walton - his amazing and controversial story...
Editions Tagged - Alien
Australian Judy Carroll believes she is descended from aliens and has a mission here onearth...
US alien "Experiencer" Bill Konkolesky's story might make you think twice...
Did Aliens disable some of America's nuclear missiles? Ex USAF man Robert Salas tells a verycompelling story...
This show features Canadian serial abductee Jim Moroney - who is featured in a new bookabout UFOs and contact… Hear Jims take on why the aliens take some of us - perhaps more of us than weknow...
This Edition features an ordinary young Australian guy who says he has had a lifetime ofextraordinary UFO and alien contact.
Nigel Kerner is an author and journalist best known for work on Aliens and UFOs; but he hasjust returned from the latest exhibition of The Shroud of Turin at Frascati, Italy - hear his views andthoughts alongside medical doctor Andrew Silverman.
Howard talks with World-renowned alien abduction hypnotherapist Yvonne Smith.
Calvin Parker says he was abducted by aliens in the famous Pascagoula Incident of 1973...
This time a Special with- Kathleen Marden - niece of the world's best known alien abductees,Betty and Barney Hill. Kathleen has spent a lifetime researching UFO and abduction phenomena..
Top US investigative journalist Linda Moulton Howe returns - we talk MH 370 and amazingresearch on alien-human Hybrids...
Heidi Hollis - in time for Hallowe'en - Shadow People, the Hat Man and Aliens...
American author Ron Felber's unique research into a chilling and amazing "alien abduction"case in 1989...
Bob Davis Phd - and the scientific way of investigating UFOs and alien abduction...
This Edition features American UFO Researcher Micah Hanks - one of the authors in the newbook Exposed, Uncovered and Declassified - UFOs and Aliens from new Page Books...
This time a "lost" 2005 radio edition - Helen Littrell and Jean Bilodeaux - authors of"Raechel's Eyes" - about a claimed human/alien hybrid...
This edition features questing US investigative journalist Linda Moulton Howe. Her work onsubjects like alien contact and cattle mutilations has won acclaim and awards. Hear about her latestresearch on the state of our planet.
This show features Scottish Paranormal writer and investigator Malcolm Robinson. Hear astaggering tale of claimed alien aduction, some amazing UFO stories and very chilling ghost revelations- all told with passion and credibility.